Viele Applikationen haben unten am Fensterrand eine horizontale Leiste mit diversen Informationen. Für Perl/Tk-GUIs gibt es dafür Tk::StatusBar.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tk;
use Tk::StatusBar;
my $mw = MainWindow->new;
my $Label1 = "Welcome to the statusbar";
my $Label2 = "On";
my $Progress = 0;
$mw->Text()->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => 'both');
my $sb = $mw->StatusBar();
-relief => 'flat',
-textvariable => \$Label1,
-text => 'double-click that -->',
-width => '20',
-anchor => 'center',
-width => 4,
-anchor => 'center',
-textvariable => \$Label2,
-foreground => 'blue',
-command => sub {$Label2 = $Label2 eq 'On' ? 'Off' : 'On';},
-width => 5,
-anchor => 'center',
-textvariable => \$Progress,
my $p = $sb->addProgressBar(
-length => 60,
-from => 0,
-to => 100,
-variable => \$Progress,
$mw->repeat('50', sub {
if ($Label2 eq 'On') {
$Progress = 0 if (++$Progress > 100);